The following Conditions are related to Small mouth

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Mobius syndrome

    An uncommon neurological condition known as Moebius syndrome causes many cranial nerves, most frequently the 6th (abducens) and 7th (facial) nerves, to become weak or paralysed (palsy). Sometimes other cranial nerves are impacted. The condition exists from birth (congenital). The person with Moebius syndrome is unable to pout, pucker the lips, lift the eyebrows, or close their eyelids if the 7th nerve is affected. The eye cann  Read More

  • Russell silver syndrome (rss)

    Russell-Silver Syndrome is a genetic condition, classified under growth disorders that slow down and restrict development at the expected rate. It is prominent before and after birth. Babies born with this condition will weigh significantly less than healthy babies, and often fail to mature physically. In other words, they fail to thrive. Disproportionate head in relation to the rest of the body, low birth rate, as  Read More