The following Conditions are related to Fever

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all)

    Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many immature lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (also called acute lymphocytic leukemia or ALL) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of cancer in children. Normally, the bone marrow m  Read More

  • Cysts of the renal medulla, congenital

    Renal medulla, congenital also known as Medullary sponge kidney, is a kidney disease. There is no specific treatment for Renal medulla, congenital. It is centered around managing urinary tract infections and kidney stones. 1. The standard treatment for urinary tract infections is antibiotics. 2. Treatment for kidney stones depends mainly on stone size. If the stone is small in size, it shall pas  Read More

  • Drummond's syndrome

    Blue diaper syndrome is a rare, genetic metabolic disorder characterized by the incomplete intestinal breakdown of tryptophan, a dietary nutrient. Symptoms typically include digestive disturbances, fever, irritability and visual difficulties. Some children with blue diaper syndrome may also develop kidney disease. Infants with this disorder may have bluish urine-stained diapers. Blue diaper syndrome is inherited as an autosomal or X-linked rec  Read More

  • Epilepsy

    Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in the brain, seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. Seizure signs and symptoms may include: Temporary confusion A staring spell Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs Loss of consciousness or awareness Psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety or deja vu Symptoms vary depending on the type of seiz  Read More

  • Group b strep infection

    Group B strep facts Group B strep are bacteria found normally in the intestine, vagina, and rectal area in about 25% of all healthy women. Group B strep infections can affect neonates and adults. Most pregnant women who are colonized by the bacteria have no symptoms. The infection can be spread to infants before or during delivery. Signs and symptoms in babies may include fever, breathing  Read More

  • Herpangina

    Herpangina facts Herpangina is a self-limited infection primarily caused by coxsackieviruses. Herpangina most often affects young children. Herpangina is associated with fever, sore throat, and blisters in the back of the mouth. Herpangina is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms alone. Treatment of herpangina is usually directed toward minimizing the discomfort associated with the mouth bl  Read More

  • Kawasaki's disease

    Kawasaki's disease facts Kawasaki's disease is a syndrome of unknown cause that mainly strikes young children. Signs of the disease include fever and redness of the eyes, hands, feet, mouth, and tongue. The disease can be treated with high doses of aspirin (salicylic acid) and gammaglobulin. Kawasaki's disease usually resolves on its own within a month or two. Some children with Kawasaki's  Read More

  • Roseola

    Roseola facts Roseola is a mild illness caused by a virus infection most commonly involving, young children. A sudden high fever that lasts for three to five days is an early feature of roseola. Mild nasal congestion and loose stools may accompany the fever. When the fever disappears, a rash appears, which may last one to two days. The rash is not contagious. Roseola usually resolves without any tre  Read More

  • Torch syndrome

    TORCH Syndrome refers to infection of a developing fetus or newborn by any of a group of infectious agents. "TORCH" is an acronym meaning (T)oxoplasmosis, (O)ther Agents, (R)ubella (also known as German Measles), (C)ytomegalovirus, and (H)erpes Simplex. Infection with any of these agents (i.e., Toxoplasma gondii, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses) may cause a constellation of similar symptoms in affected newborns. These ma  Read More

  • Tyrosinemia, hereditary

    Tyrosinemia type I is a rare autosomal recessive genetic metabolic disorder characterized by lack of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH), which is needed for the final break down of the amino acid tyrosine. Failure to properly break down tyrosine leads to abnormal accumulation of tyrosine and its metabolites in the liver, potentially resulting in severe liver disease. Tyrosine may also accumulate in the kidneys and central nervous s  Read More

  • Unconjugated benign bilirubinemia

    Normal liver function tests, high bilirubin levels, and genetic testing are all necessary for the diagnosis of unconjugated benign bilirubinemia to confirm the condition. The use of drugs to treat this syndrome is not justified because of how benign and unimportant it is. When using medications that are conjugated by the liver, such as acetaminophen and irinotecan, there is an increased risk of side effects and tox  Read More

  • Urinary tract infections (utis) in children

    Urinary tract infections are a fairly common problem in childhood and may have either a benign course responding to simple antibiotic therapy or be associated with significant disruption in either the anatomy or function of a child's urinary system. This article will focus on UTIs affecting children, with an emphasis on those less than 2 years of age. Because of their more unique and complicated nature, neonatal (less than 28 days of age) UTIs  Read More