The following Conditions are related to And irritation

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Childhood obesity

    Childhood obesity can be managed by following certain therapies and weight-loss programs directed by pediatricians or therapists. 1. Therapy for childhood obesity is determined by your child's age and the presence of underlying medical issues. Treatment usually entails modifications in your child's food choices and amount of physical exercise. In some cases, treatment may entail drugs or weight-loss surgery. 2. Chi  Read More

  • Keratosis palmoplantaris transgradiens of siemens

    Keratosis planopilaris transgrediens of siemens is a genodermatosis characterized by hyperkeratosis. Initially, keratosis begins on the palm and soles and spreads to the dorsal aspects of hands, fingers, and feet as well as flexor aspects of wrists and heels. The skin manifestations set in by the age of 3 to 5 years. abnormal expression of structural proteins involved in the skin is the cause of the condition. Ris  Read More