Children's Health Symptoms Directory
Recognizing the symptoms of childhood health issues is crucial for early intervention and effective management. Explore our comprehensive guide to common pediatric symptoms, empowering you to recognize warning signs such as fever, cough, rash, and more. Gain the knowledge needed to take prompt actions and seek appropriate medical attention when needed.
- A "dragging leg"
- A beak-like nose
- A change in taste or smell
- A delay of language and speech development in young children
- A drop in blood pressure
- A failure to gain weight and grow at the expected rate (failure to thrive) leading to very short stature
- A flare-up of the nostrils during breathing
- A high
- A high-arched palate
- A loss of previously acquired mental and motor skills
- A lump or swelling in the area where the tumor is and can be painful
- A prominent lower face
- A spine that is clearly curved (i.e. scoliosis or kyphosis)
- A tongue that's fixed more posteriorly
- A waddling walk
- A wide mouth with thick lips
- A wide nose with a flat nasal bridge
- Abdominal discomfort
- Abdominal pain
- Abnormal bone development
- Abnormal brain wave patterns
- Abnormal breathing
- Abnormal cartilage morphology
- Abnormal cleft palate
- Abnormal ear development
- Abnormal eye movement(nystagmus)
- Abnormal eye movements
- Abnormal eyes
- Abnormal feet
- Abnormal heart rate
- Abnormal jaw
- Abnormal motor function
- Abnormal nasal region
- Abnormal skin
- Abnormal softening and weakening of the trachea's cartilage
- Abnormal teeth
- Abnormal thinness
- Abnormal tongue movements
- Abnormalities in the head and facial area
- Abnormalities of the hair
- Abnormalities of the head and face
- Abnormalities of the skull and facial features
- Abnormality of bone mineral density
- Abnormality of coagulation
- Abnormality of the metaphysis
- Abnormally shaped head and face
- Abnormally short
- Abnormally small eyes (microphthalmia) at birth
- Absence of skin layers
- Aged appearance at birth
- Amnesia
- An abnormal bluish discoloration of the skinblood in ey
- An abnormally enlarged head (megalencephaly) and/or blindness
- An aged appearance at birth
- An enlarged liver
- An inguinal hernia
- An underdeveloped jaw and small chin
- An unsteady walk
- And a small jaw
- And blood vessel pressure
- And boils
- And heels.
- And hypernatremia. lesions in bones cause pain in the skull
- And irritation
- And nausea
- And other exposed areas of skin
- And painful rashes on the
- And ribs.blood in ey
- And the hands and the feet
- And the lesions look like warts
- And thick eyebrows and eyelashes
- And tongue
- And underdeveloped genitals
- And/or brain abnormalities
- And/or infections of the urinary tract
- And/or nails
- Ankle deformities
- Ankles and feet
- Anxiety
- Aphasia
- Apnea
- Apnea episodes (periods of time when breathing stops altogether)
- Areflexia
- Arm paralysis
- Arm weakness
- Arms
- Ataxia
- Atrophy
- Awkward or higher than normal step (gait)
- Balance problems
- Behavioral issues
- Behavioral problems
- Belching
- Belly pain
- Bent or shorter legs
- Birth defects
- Bleeding
- Blindness
- Blisters
- Bloating
- Blood in urine
- Blue coloured skin
- Bluish coloring of the skin
- Blurred vision
- Bodily tension
- Bone abnormalities
- Bone development that is abnormal
- Bone malformations
- Bone pain
- Bone tumors
- Bones
- Brain abnormalities
- Brain malformations
- Breathing ailments
- Breathing and feeding difficulties (dysphagia)
- Breathing difficulties
- Broad and/or angled fingers and toes
- Broad head
- Broad nasal tip etc
- Broad neck
- Broad nose
- Brown or red blotches on the skin
- Bruising
- Bulbar palsy
- Bulging eyes
- Burning or painful urination
- But can present differently in different people
- Cardiac defects
- Cardiac murmur
- Cardiac problems including arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat)
- Cataracts
- Central nervous system abnormalities
- Characteristic abnormalities of the head and face (craniofacial dysmorphism)
- Chest deformity
- Chest pain
- Chest tightness
- Clawfoot
- Cleft palate
- Cleft palate (an opening or split in the roof of the mouth)
- Clouded eyes
- Cloudy
- Club or rocker-bottom feet
- Clubfoot
- Clumsiness
- Coarse
- Coarse facial features
- Coarse facial features like wide mouth
- Cognitive problems
- Compressed lung tissue
- Confusion
- Congenital deafness
- Convulsions
- Convulsions that occur during sleep and wakefulness
- Coordination impairment
- Coordination problems
- Coughing
- Coughing or choking when feeding
- Coughing or shortness of breath
- Cracked lips
- Cramping of the foot
- Craniofacial
- Craniofacial abnormalities
- Craniofacial abnormalities inclu
- Crossed eyes(strabismus)
- Crusty scalp
- Crying
- Curled toes (hammertoes)
- Curly hair
- Curved fingers
- Curved or webbed fingers
- Curved spine
- Dark
- Dark-colored urine or clay-colored stool
- Deafness
- Deafness present at birth
- Decrease in nerve activity below the neckbloo
- Decreased ability to run
- Decreased bone age
- Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia)
- Decreased nerve conduction
- Decreased sensation or a loss
- Defect in the diaphragmatic pericardium
- Defect of the lower sternum
- Defective corneas
- Deficiency of the anterior diaphragm
- Deficiency or absence of the layer of fat under the skin
- Deformed nails and missing
- Degeneration
- Degenerative retina
- Dehydration
- Deja vu
- Delayed bone age
- Delayed coordination
- Delayed development
- Delayed intellectual and language development
- Delayed mental activity
- Delayed milestones in growth and development
- Delayed motor function
- Delayed physical development
- Delayed puberty
- Delayed speech
- Dementia
- Dental abnormalities
- Dental or jaw problems
- Developmental abnormalities
- Developmental delay
- Developmental delays
- Diabetes
- Diaphragm spasm
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Difficulties concentrating
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty chewing
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty coordinating movements (ataxia)
- Difficulty feeding
- Difficulty keeping in school
- Difficulty lifting foot at the ankle (foot drop)
- Difficulty paying attention to conversations
- Difficulty running and jumping
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty swallowing involuntary jerking motions were noticed in the limbs and face
- Difficulty swallowing food or liquids
- Difficulty understanding spoken language
- Difficulty walking
- Digestive disturbances
- Dilute urine
- Discoloration of the whites of the eyes (blue sclera) during infancy
- Dislocated hips
- Distinct distractibility with new simulations
- Distinct facial features
- Distinctive craniofacial features
- Distinctive facial abnormalities
- Distinctive facial features
- Distinctive malformations of the head and facial area
- Dizziness
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Downturned corners of the mouth
- Downward slanting eyes (down-slanting palpebral fissures)
- Downwards tongue
- Dozens of pauses in breathing per day
- Dry cough or shortness of breath
- Dry skin
- Dry throat
- Dryness in your nose
- Due to the growths
- Dwarfism
- Dysphagia -difficulty swallowing
- Early childhood to adulthood- food craving and weight gain
- Edema (swelling) in the legs and abdomen
- Emotional problems
- Endocrine abnormalities
- Enlarged calf muscles
- Enlarged chest due to over-inflation of air lobe/s in lungs
- Enlarged head
- Enlarged head (macrocephaly) or enlarged internal organs
- Enlarged heart
- Enlarged liver
- Enlarged organs
- Enlarged spleen
- Enuresis
- Epilepsy and seizures
- Especially during sleep
- Especially the knees and elbows
- Especially when the baby is feeding
- Etc
- Exaggerated reflexes
- Excessive fluid in their brain (hydrocephalus)
- Experiencing loss in one arm
- Extended fingers
- Extreme fatigue (tiredness)
- Extremities
- Eye abnormality
- Eye corneas that are cloudy
- Eye malformations
- Eyelashes or brows may be sparse or non-existent
- Eyes
- Face is affected
- Facial abnormalities
- Facial anomalies
- Facial discoloring
- Facial distortions
- Facial paralysis (facial palsy)
- Failure to grow and gain weight as expected after birth (failure to thrive)
- Failure to reach out wh
- Failure to respond to sound
- Failure to smile
- Failure to thrive
- Fainting
- Fast breathing
- Fatigue
- Faulty motor skills in an awakened state
- Fear
- Feeding difficulties
- Feeling tired
- Feet deformities
- Feet with soles that are rounded outward (rock
- Femur
- Fever
- Fever and chills
- Fine
- Fine hair
- Finger abnormalities
- Fingers
- First stage- redness or inflammation of the skin (erythema)
- Flaccid paresis
- Flat face
- Flat feet
- Flat feet and knock knees
- Flat nasal bridge
- Flat nose
- Flattened face
- Flattened nose
- Floppiness
- Flu symptoms
- Flu-like symptoms
- Flushing
- Forever bent fingers
- Foul-smelling urine
- Frequent burping
- Frequent falls
- Frequent infections
- Frequent miscommunication
- Frequent recurrences ultimately may lead to kidney d
- Frequent respiratory infections
- Frequent tripping or falling
- Frothy
- Frustration or acting out due to difficulty communicatingbloo
- Full abdomenb
- Full cheeks
- Fused fingers and toes (syndactyly)
- Fusion of the skull bones too early during development (craniosynostosis)
- Fussiness
- Fuzziness
- Immune system dysfunction
- Imp
- Impaired articulation of speech
- Impaired coordination
- Inability to hold head up when lying on stomach
- Inability to stand with support
- Inability to swallow
- Including a square-shaped head
- Including fever and chil
- Incomplete fingers
- Incomplete toes
- Incoordination
- Increased heartbeats
- Increased movement of the arms and legs (spasticity)
- Increased muscle tone
- Increased sweating
- Individuals typically have fair skin and scant
- Infants- poor muscle tone
- Infection
- Inflamed lips
- Inflamed wrists
- Intellectual disability
- Intellectual disabilityblood in eye
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Involuntary jerking movements
- Involuntary pulling of the neck
- Irritability
- Irritability and visual difficulties
- Itching
- Itching or burning in skin folds or navel
- Itching or tingling feeling around
- Lack of appetite
- Lack of energy
- Lack of motor development
- Lack of muscle control
- Lack of muscle tone
- Large bone on the forearm is short and curved and short bone of the forearm is underdeveloped
- Large gums
- Large head
- Large head (macrocephaly)
- Large mouth
- Large tongue
- Laxity in joints
- Leading to drooling and problems swallowing foodbloo
- Learning deficits
- Learning disabilities
- Lesions
- Lethargy
- Light sensitivity
- Light-colored hair
- Limb defects
- Limited arm movement
- Limited or restricted movement of the arm and shoulder blade on the affected side as well as the cervical spine
- Limpness
- Lips
- Locomotor restlessness
- Loose stool
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of awareness or consciousness
- Loss of comprehension
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of head control at birth or soon after
- Loss of vision
- Low birth weight
- Low blood sugar
- Low calcium
- Low hairline
- Low muscle tone
- Low red blood cell count
- Low weight
- Low-pitched cry
- Low-set ears
- Lower abdomen
- Malformed arms
- Malformed bones
- Malformed head
- Malformed legs
- Malformed nails
- Malformed ribs
- Malformed spinal column
- Malformed teeth
- Menstruation
- Mental abnormalities
- Mental decline
- Mental deficiency
- Mental retardation
- Mental slowness
- Midline abdominal wall defect
- Mild mental retardation
- Mild muscle weakness
- Mild to moderate growth deficiency
- Mild to moderate intellectual disability
- Mild to severe intellectual disabilityblood in e
- Mild twitching
- Misshapen
- Missing fingers
- Missing or malformed thumbs
- Missing toes
- Most often affecting the extremities and the scalp
- Motor disturbances
- Mouth sores
- Mucous patches in mouth
- Multiple abnormalities affecting the “growing ends
- Muscle contractions
- Muscle rigidity (tightness of the muscles)
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle weakness (can't lift arms or legs)
- Muscle weakness or lack of muscle control
- Musculoskeletal abnormalities
- Obesity
- Obstruction of the urinary tract
- Occasional tremors of
- Ocular abnormalities
- Oculomotor paralysis
- Oily or dry skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales
- Oily scalp
- One arm is weakened
- One arm paralyzed completely or partially
- Or bloody urine
- Or bumps or spots that itch
- Or cessation of breathing
- Or déjà vub
- Or finding words. continued auras (feelings that signal the start of a seizure).blood in
- Pain
- Pain in the back
- Pain urinating
- Painful muscle contractions
- Palate abnormalities
- Pale skin
- Paleness
- Panting on early intervals
- Paralysis
- Part of one side of the body is smaller than the other (asymmetry)
- Part or all of the central digits (fingers or toes) are missing. ectrodactyly often affects the middle fingers or toes
- Particularly the liver and spleen (organomegaly)
- Patches that ooze clear fluid
- Patchy scaling or thick crusts on the scalp
- Pauses that last for several minutes
- Pear-shaped nose
- Permanent fixation (contracture) of various joints
- Personality changes
- Phrase
- Physical abnormalities
- Pimples
- Pinky fingers that are curved toward or away from the ring finger or permanently flexed
- Plaques
- Polydipsia
- Poor attention
- Poor eyesight
- Poor feeding
- Poor growth and physical devel
- Poor head control
- Poor head control and failure to sit up
- Poor listening skills
- Poor muscle tone
- Poor muscle tone (hypotonia)
- Poor posture due to weakness or stiffness in neck muscles
- Poor sucking reflex
- Poor vision
- Poor weight gain
- Possible bleeding
- Possibly mild redness
- Premature closure of the fibrous joints
- Prematurely aged appearance
- Presence of natal teeth
- Produce large amounts of mucusblood in
- Prolonged qt interval
- Prominent cheeks
- Prominent eyes
- Prominent jaw
- Protruding ears
- Protruding eyes
- Protruding tongue
- Psychological depression due to inferiority complex
- Psychological impact
- Psychological signs like worry
- Pursed lips
- Rapid
- Rapid and reflexive upward movement of the afflicted eyelid following nearly any movement of the lower jaw is the main sign of this condition resulting in the widening of eyesblood in e
- Rapid bone development
- Rapid physical growth
- Rapidly changing moods (emotional lability)
- Rash
- Rashes
- Reactions to loud noises that are exaggerated (s
- Recurrence of a sound
- Red
- Red eyes
- Red skin
- Red skin rashes or lesions
- Red spots
- Redness
- Redness and burning sensation in the external area of the vagina
- Reduced hearing
- Reduced sharpness or clarity of vision or the appearance of objects that have a distorted shape (metamorphopsia)
- Reflux
- Remembering
- Repeated ear infections
- Repetitive movements
- Respiratory distress
- Respiratory infections
- Respiratory insufficiency
- Restlessness
- Resulting in poor vision
- Resulting in the entire foot to appear malformed
- Reverse overbite
- Rigid muscles
- Round face
- Sad and listless appearance
- Sadness
- Sadness or irritability
- Scaling
- Scaling of skin
- Scalp numbness. nausea. feeling tired or depressed. headaches. difficulty speaking
- Scaly light-sensitive (photosensitive) rashes on the face
- Scaly thick patches on the skin over the palm
- Scoliosis or kyphosis knock knees heart and vision problems an enlarged liver short height
- Scrotal discomfort and cosmetic abnormality of scrotum
- Second stage- blisters develop a raised
- Seizures
- Seizures abnormal eye movements
- Severe cases of downward deviation of the eyes
- Sexual abnormalities
- Shallow breathing
- Shallow eye cavity
- Sharp pain in the lower back or side of the abdomen (renal colic)
- Shawl scrotum
- Short
- Short appendages
- Short fingers
- Short forearms (missing radius bone) and short range of motion at the elbow
- Short legs
- Short neck
- Short nose
- Short periods of quiet for specific syllables or words
- Short stature
- Shortened lower limbs
- Shortness of breath
- Shortness of breath or other breathing
- Sight and hearing problems
- Skeletal
- Skeletal abnormalities
- Skeletal abnormalities including short stature
- Skeletal abnormalities such as premature fusion of
- Skeleton abnormalities like uneven and rounded fingers
- Skin abnormalities
- Skin blisters
- Skin dimples
- Skin flakes
- Skin loss
- Skin malformations
- Skin markings developing before or shortly after birth
- Skin markings resembling blood vessels
- Skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet is thickened and may have exaggerated linesblood in e
- Skin problems
- Skin rash
- Skin rash with scaly papules
- Skin rashes and irritation
- Skin rashes and sensitivity to uv light
- Skin that might break open
- Skull and facial (craniofacial) features- large head size compared to the rest of their body (height
- Slanting eyes
- Sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea and snoring
- Sleep disturbances
- Slender nose
- Slow cognitive growth and motor skills
- Slow motor development
- Slow-growing
- Slow-growing scalp hair
- Small chin
- Small chin (micrognathia)
- Small ears
- Small eyes
- Small head
- Small head (microcephaly)
- Small head size
- Small head size (microcephaly)
- Small jaw
- Small lower jaw
- Small lower jaw (micrognathia)
- Small mouth
- Small mouth (microstomia)
- Small nose
- Small testes
- Smaller muscles than normal for agebl
- Snoring and airway obstruction
- Soft swellings
- Soles
- Some children arch their backs while extending their arms and legs
- Spasms
- Spasticity
- Speaking disorders
- Speech delays
- Speech difficulties
- Spit up
- Split foot
- Split hand
- Square face
- Stiff joints that can’t move (contractures)
- Stiff muscles
- Stiffness or clumsiness in the legs or arms (ataxia)
- Stippled epiphyses at birth in association with other connective tissue disturbances
- Stomach pain
- Stoppage of breathing during sleep
- Strenuous exercise
- Stress
- Structural heart malformations
- Struggles with breathing
- Stumbling to start a word
- Stunted growth
- Such as abdominal pain
- Such as inability to hear faint sounds
- Such as nystagmus (involuntary eye movement) or strabismus (misaligned eyes)
- Susceptibility to infections
- Sweating
- Swelling of the face
- Swelling of the lips
- Swollen glands in your neck and face
- Swollen lips
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Swollen testicles
- Swollen throat
- Swollen tongue
- Syllable
- Teeth
- Teeth abnormalities and cataracts
- Temporary confusion a staring spell
- Temporary hearing loss.
- Temporary hearing lossblood i
- Temporary perplexity
- Tendon
- Terror
- The appearance of the baby’s head is very small
- The arms and legs have angular abnormalities
- The blue color of the skin (cyanosis)
- The child's body may suddenly bend forward and the arms and legs stiffen
- The colored portion of the eyes (irises) may be underdeveloped (hypoplasia) and may stick to the lens (posterior synechiae) or to the cornea (anterior synechiae)blood in ey
- The eyeballs have "cherry-red" spots
- The lips or mouth
- The muscles of speech affected
- The scaling is usually limited to the cheeks and forehead
- The talus bone is out of place
- Thick lips
- Thick patches of skin
- Thick skin plaque
- Thick skull
- Thin
- Thin fingers
- Thin hair
- Thin light-colored hair
- Thin toes
- Third stag
- Tingling in one arm
- Toe abnormalities
- Tongue or throat
- Tongue that is short or shaped differently
- Tongue twitching
- Tooth abnormalities (single cent
- Trouble breathing
- Trouble concentrating or remembering things
- Trouble following directions
- Trouble learning
- Trouble walking
- Tumors in lower parts of the body might cause bleeding
- Tumors in the head might cause vision problems or headaches
- Twitching movements
- Twitching movements on the limbs
- Typically observed in older children
- Umbilical or abdominal herni
- Unclear speech
- Uncomfortable movements
- Uncontrollable arm and leg movements
- Uncontrollable blinking
- Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
- Underdev
- Underdeveloped bones in the arms and legs (hypomelia)
- Underdeveloped cheeks
- Underdeveloped face
- Underdeveloped head
- Underdeveloped jaw
- Underdeveloped nails of the fingers and toes and/or mild developmental delaysblood
- Underdeveloped or absent cheekbones (maxillary hypoplasia)
- Underdeveloped pectoral (chest) muscles
- Underdeveloped sex organs
- Underdeveloped shoulder blades
- Underdeveloped toes
- Underdeveloped tooth enamel
- Underdeveloped upper jaw
- Underdevelopment of the upper jaw bone (maxillary bone)
- Uneven fingers
- Uneven shoulders
- Uneven waist
- Unexplained withdrawal
- Unintentional weight loss
- Union or webbing of the flesh between the fingers
- Unsteadiness
- Unusual facial features
- Upper eyelid movement
- Upward slanting eye lids
- Urinary frequency
- Urinary urgency
- Urogenital abnor
- Uti
- Wart-like (verrucous) appearance
- Watching others closely but not engaging in social interaction
- Weak muscle tone
- Weak muscle tone (hypotonia)blo
- Weak muscles
- Weakness
- Weakness in arms and legs (especially on one side)
- Weakness in legs
- Webbed feet
- Webbed fingers
- Webbed hands
- Webbed neck
- Webbed toes
- Webbing of fingers and toes (syndactyly)
- Wheezing
- Where the heart meets the diaphragm
- Which may be associated with loss of consciousness at times
- White bubbles in the mouth
- White or yellow discharge from the vagina
- Whites of the eyes
- Wide forehead
- Widely spaced eyes
- Widely spaced eyes (ocular hypertelorism)
- Widened pupils
- Withdrawal
- Word deafness
- Word extension or sounds within a word
- Wounds
- Wrists